About Dogtap
What is special about Dogtap?
Our Dogtap offers you and your dog more security in emergency situations due to its unique characteristics. In the following sections we would like to explain to you which characteristics these are and which advantages they involve.
On common address tags for dogs there is often just enough space for a telephone number. But what if your beloved dog goes astray? And what if, for example, you are on holiday and are therefore not directly contactable? With Dogtap you have the possibility to store more information about yourself or your dog. A second phone number or maybe even your address may be relevant to your dog's finder. Depending on the dog, different information can be important. Your pet has an allergy or needs vital medicine? No problem! Store it on your Dogtap.
Another special feature of Dogtap is that it enables the fast and uncomplicated establishment of contact between finder and owner of a dog. While a finder always has to exert an effort to unite the found dog with its owner, this situation changes with Dogtap. For example, a found dog has often to be taken to a vet first, because a special reader is required to read the dog's chip number. With Dogtap the owner can already be contacted by scanning the Dogtap with the smartphone. Quick and uncomplicated.
However, if you don't have a Dogtap yet, click below to buy one now and provide your dog with more security:

You received your Dogtap - What happens next?
You might be thinking 'Sounds fine, but what if you have little or nothing to do with all the technical frills?'. That is a fair question, but you do not have to worry about that either. Another goal of our Dogtap is to make the storage and retrieval of data as easy as possible. To store data, simply scan your Dogtap with your smartphone. In your smartphone you will then automatically be led to our web portal Tap21, where you can register and create a profile for your dog. Only you decide which data you would like to save. In addition to your address and phone number this data can include additional information such as your dog's habits, chip number, gender or feeding plans.
Now you might be wondering what a finder is supposed to do with so much information? If we start from the above mentioned holiday scenario, it could happen that in an emergency your dog temporarily ends up in an animal welfare organization or even at the house of a private person. With the further information you make it easy for exactly these helpers to care for your dog in the best possible way until you are reunited again. The finder may even contact you without seeing your phone number if you prefer it that way. In addition, the finder can also send you his GPS data directly so that you can be reunited with your dog as quickly as possible. To retrieve the data from the Dogtap it only takes a short scan with the smartphone. Of course, only you can edit the data. For detailed instruction on how to register and create a profile for your dog, please click here.
Through the use of innovative technologies to an intelligent dog tag
Yet, if you are interested in the technology behind our dog tag, we would like to offer you a brief overview on how our Dogtap is structured. The Dogtap contains two NFC (Near Field Communication) microchips on which all data can be stored. With NFC it is possible to exchange data wirelessly over short distances. Compared to Bluetooth, NFC is less cumbersome and much more stable. If you would like to know more about NFC, click here.
The NFC chips are integrated in the Dogtap in such a way that they are not visible from the outside and are therefore protected. With a simple touch ('Tap') they are easily readable from any NFC-enabled smartphone. Today, most smartphones are already equipped with NFC and the trend is continuously rising. But if you're not sure if your phone has NFC, look here to get an overview. Please also keep in mind that the scanning process of a NFC tag depends on the operating system of your device. Look here if you would like to know about the differences between Android and iOs while scanning NFC tags. Even if your phone or that of the potential finder is not equipped with NFC, this is no problem at all. The Dogtap is additionally provided with a QR code with which your data can also be stored or retrieved.
Get your dogtap at:NFC-Tag-Shop oder Amazon

Waterproof and robust at the same time
Of course, in spite of so many great ideas, we do not lose sight of reality. We know that dogs like to dig and jump into mud baths. Just as we know that dog tags are often misused as chewing bones. We have thought of all these pecularities of our furry companions while designing our Dogtap.
Unfortunately, the search for a robust and waterproof dog tag often turns out to be difficult. With Dogtap we offer you a solution to this problem. The Dogtap Solid is made out of PVC and is also provided wit a protective epoxy layer. To ensure stability, our Dogtap Solid is additionally fitted with a metal frame to which a metal ring is attached. This makes it easy to attach the Dogtap to the dog collar just like a normal dog tag. By using the mentioned materials, Dogtap is a very robust dog tag, into which neither water nor dirt can penetrate.
Our Dogtap Light is equally water- and dirt-proof. While the Dogtap Solid stands out due to its stability and robustness, the Dogtap Solid scores through its own unique characteristics, such as its flexibility and noiselessness. The Dogtap Light is made of silicone in order to ensure its flexibility and stretchability.
So your dog can continue to pursue the important tasks of life - like chasing rabbits and rolling in the mud - and you can remain unconcerned that the new dog tag will suffer any damage.
Elegant and noiseless design
In addition to its stabiliy, our Dogtap can also impress with its pretty design. Our Dogtaps are available in eight different colours - from a pretty pink to a bold black. Either as Dogtap Solid in the beautiful bone design or as Dogtap Light for the smallest of our furry companions. In comparison to our Dogtap Solid the Dogtap Light is especially lightweight and smaller so that even small dogs can romp undisturbed.
Of course, this does not mean that our Dogtap Solid is heavy. Here, too, we have made sure that the Dogtap remains as unnoticed as possible for your dog. Your pet and you can stay calm - besides stability, your Dogtap is as lightweight as it is silent. Noisy dog tags that quickly break down are now a thing of the past.

Dog missing or missing dog found?
But maybe you ended up here because your dog ran away and you already have a Dogtap? Click here for instructions on how to proceed when your dog runs away.
Or are you a finder who came across our website by noticing the Dogtap on the collar of his furry foundling? Then click here for a guide to find out what you can do when you find a missing dog. Or try it out directly - hold your smartphone against the Dogtap in order to scan it and to contact the owner as quickly and easily as possible.