10 reasons why your dog needs a Dogtap

The digital dog tag Dogtap is designed to give your dog more security by avoiding the various disadvantages of conventional dog tags. But to make it clearer to you why the Dogtap should be an indispensable companion for your dog, we have listed 10 reasons:
1. The dogtap can be easily read out with a smartphone
What is the advantage of this reason? Well, it is quite simple: Other identification methods (i.e. measures to identify you as the owner) like the chip or Tasso are great, but they require some effort. For example, the chip can only be read out by certain readers and to identify you as the owner via Tasso, a potential finder must first contact Tasso. But since we can never know how much time a potential finder of our dog has at the moment - and we want to avoid him dumping our dog at the shelter - Dogtap can be read easily with the help of the smartphone. That means - either activate the NFC function on the smartphone and hold it against the dogtap or read the QR code of the dogtap - and your dog's profile will be displayed! If you are interested in why Dogtap and dogchip are a great combination, have a look here. You can find a blog entry about Tasso and the Dogtap here.
2. The owner can be identified and contacted on the spot
This reason builds on the first one. Because, by simply reading out the dogtap, the owner can not only be identified at the place where the dog was found, no, he can even be contacted there immediately. Either directly via a short phone call or an e-mail with the exact GPS location of the place where the dog was found. So even if it is 4 a.m. in the middle of the forest on a Sunday, contacting the owner is no problem. This way we avoid that a finder has to take our dog. Which, depending on the dog size, is not always easy ;-) Additionally you have to consider that a normal veterinarian or the shelter might not be reachable normally at night or on weekends. Under such circumstances it is not so easy to have the chip of the dog read out.
3. As little effort as possible for the finder
We hardly need to explain this point at this point. Because, what kind of effort do we avoid for a potential finder? First of all, he doesn't have to get too close to our dog - just hold his smartphone up to the dog tag for a moment and the dog profile is retrieved. He also doesn't have to contact Tasso or go to the vet to find us as the owner. And last but not least you have to consider that a person who does not own a dog does not know Tasso or the dog chip at all. Fortunately everybody knows a dog tag.
4. Comprehensive information about dog and owner
In the dog profile of the dog, which is retrieved when scanning the dogtap, comprehensive data about you and your dog can be stored! Why, that is important? On the one hand you can be identified and contacted directly as the owner. But you can also make sure that your dog can be cared for in the best possible way in an emergency. If he should end up in a shelter or similar, you can store important information like allergies or diseases in the dog tag.
5. You decide which data is stored in the dog profile
Your own access ensures that only you can add and edit the information in your dog's profile. So you decide what you want to publish about yourself and your dog. In addition, you can save important emergency data that is sensitive, such as your phone number or address, in your profile, but you can set it to "invisible" for now. This way you don't have to add them quickly in case of an emergency, but you can simply set them to "visible" with a click. Only then is it advisable to make such sensitive contact data of yourself accessible.
6. The data of the dog profile can be changed at any time
The disadvantage of conventional dog tags is not only that you can store so little data "on" them. An engraved information, e.g. your telephone number, cannot be changed afterwards. In doubt, then a new dog tag is due. With Dogtap this is different, because any information you save in the dog profile can be edited again. So you can make sure that the dog profile is always up to date. No matter if your phone number, address or the feeding habits of your dog change - just adjust it. And from anywhere! No matter if you are sitting at home in front of your PC or waiting for your bus at the bus stop. More information on how to keep the data on the dogtap up-to-date at all times can be found in this blog post.
7. The data is well protected!
The fact that the data on the dogtap is stored digitally and thus virtually "inside" the dogtap means that it is particularly well protected. External information, such as engravings, can become illegible over time.
8. Waterproof and robust
All variants of the dogtap are completely waterproof. This means that even various mud baths or dives are no problem! The Dogtap Solid is also very robust due to the material used (PVC with an additional epoxy layer).
9. No annoying jingling
Even the Dogtap Solid is rather quiet for a pendant. For especially sensitive dog ears we recommend our Dogtap Light. This is by the used material (silicone), not only particularly flexible or bendable, but also completely noiseless.
10. Use of innovative technologies
By using the well-tried QR code and the innovative NFC (Near Field Communication) technology, it can be ensured that the dogtap can be read by any smartphone. We will explain more about scanning the dogtap with the smartphone in this blog post.
More information on the Dogtap: