Buying or adopting? The search for a dog

First of all, you should take a long time to think about whether you should get a dog. There is not only the basic question "Dog - yes or no?" to consider - there are many different aspects to be clarified.
For example, it is important to know what kind of dog fits. Not every breed is optimally suited to you as a person or to the conditions you offer. For example, some breeds require more exercise than others, some need more space and others should only be in the firm hands of an experienced owner. These are all factors that have a decisive influence on your decision whether and which dog you should acquire. Also the age of a dog or the previous experience he has already had can influence how suitable he is for you.
Furthermore there are many organisational aspects to be clarified: Are dogs allowed as pets in your apartment? Do you have enough reserves in case your dog should get sick? And who takes care of the dog in case you get sick or are on vacation? All these questions - especially the costs of a dog should not be underestimated. It makes sense to even consider a dog health insurance policy, for example.
Which dog to get and from where?
Once you have thought about all these points, the most important question is: Which dog to get and from where? Some people already have a certain breed of dog in mind, while others approach the decision quite openly. Some are sure to definitely get a dog from a breeder, while others want to adopt dogs from shelters only. Which way is right for you is your decision alone. There are advantages and disadvantages for everything.
No matter if you get a dog from a breeder, a private person or from the animal protection, it is important to know that dubious offers are lurking everywhere. Especially on the internet the danger is great. All too often puppies from foreign countries are sold there very cheaply. Sometimes illegal dog dealers also pretend to be serious breeders and thus manage to fool prospective dog owners. The problem: Especially the puppies suffer a lot. Often they are taken away from their mother too early and have to go through agonizing transports on their way to Germany. The result: Unsocialised puppies, which in most cases come to Germany unvaccinated and with worms or parasites and are hardly able to survive. Many die shortly after their arrival in their new homes or are so ill that the costs for the new owners become very high.
Our tip - dog agency sites
Very helpful to not fall for illegal and dubious offers are reputable dog agency sites, which make the search for a dog and the purchase much easier. A dog agency side, which we would like to particularly recommend to you, is edogs. edogs offers dogs from private sellers, breeders as well as animal shelters and uses effective measures against dubious traders and illegal dog trade.
With the help of the detailed profiles, which have to be created on edogs by sellers, dubious offers are quickly recognized. Serious sellers usually provide detailed information about the dogs offered and the kennel. Also, newly placed ads of edogs are always checked for their authenticity. Thus it is quickly recognized if it is a fraudulent advertisement. In addition the edogs users themselves have the possibility to report conspicuous advertisements. The purchase or adoption via dog agency sites like edogs, which attach great importance to seriousness, helps to make the dog purchase safer and to care for the welfare of dogs.
Here is the direct way to edogs.
As the well-being of all dogs is also very important to us, we would like to draw your attention to such sensitive topics and to help you to find helpers in the fight against illegal dog trade - like edogs.