How to get your dog used to walking with a leash

The first step is to signal him that putting on his collar is a good thing. While putting it on you should praise him or offer him treats. Practice the process several times to show him that putting on a collar is positive.
After putting on the collar and leash, you need to take things slow. Adjust to the speed of your dog and make sure that you always hold the leash without tension. If your dog refuses to walk, stop and motivate him by calling his name. Be patient if your dog does not immediately understand the situation and repeat the procedure several times. The most important thing is that your dog keeps moving and focuses on you. As a lure you can use treats to give your dog a positive feeling.
If your dog storms ahead, you should stop immediately, so that he understands that he should pay attention to you. You could also turn around and take a different direction. If your dog understands this and walks loosely next to you, you should praise him. It is essential that you have patience with him and that you are in a good mood. Your dog feels your mood swings and is influenced by them.
After making sure that your dog walks well with a leash on, you should try to teach him without any leash at all. Of course it is very important that your dog always listens to your commands. Otherwise the situation can quickly become dangerous for your furry friend.
Before you get your dog used to walking without a leash, you should first teach him basic commands. Whenever you call him, he should come back immediately. Otherwise he may run away or follow his hunting instincts. This can obviously lead to accidents. In addition, patience and caution save you stress and worries. First of all, it is recommended to practice with a tow line. This will give you more freedom of movement but will still allow you to protect your dog with the leash. You can both go outside and play and learn basic commands at the same time. It is important that you train him beforehand so that he is not allowed to storm off immediately. This means that the signals "Run", "Stop" and "Come" should be internalized by your dog.
Nevertheless, make sure that there are no possible sources of danger and be patient. Your dog and you can only learn with patience and acceptance.
Teaching your dog to walk on a leash is essential for places where leashing is mandatory. It also gives your dog the protection he needs in places with heavy traffic. However, your dog's exercise area is also important to keep him busy. Ideally, you can do this by letting your dog romp around in a field without a leash. It is important that you teach him properly so that you can both enjoy your walks at all times.