Wir machen bei der Stay@home-Messe mit!

With the Stay@home fair, various companies from the pet industry come together to offer you an extraordinary fair experience that you can enjoy from the comfort of your own home!
How does it work?
Over the weekend of April 18th and 19th, 2020, we and other companies will "get together" at Instagram to tell you all about our products and services. From around 10am, all participating companies will be available to answer your questions - just as if you were at a real exhibition.
What do you have to do?
Nothing! Just be there for one of the two days at Instagram, ask questions, see what we have to tell you and enjoy the unique fair experience!
Who will be participating
Check out Social Media! Every day we will introduce 1 - 2 more companies to you on our channels (Facebook & Instagram). So you are always well prepared! You can also find more information on the social media channels of the Stay@home fair (Facebook & Instagram) or on the website.
Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions and tell your friends and acquaintances about the Stay@home fair!