Dogtap Blog
Welcome to our blog!
On our blog you will find interesting information about dogs. Besides information about our intelligent dog tag, we also deal with topics such as nutrition, health etc. here. Everything about our beloved companions.
With our blog entries we would like to keep you up to date and expand your knowledge about dogs. Check back regurlaly so you won't miss any interesting information!
Below you will find an overview of the latest blog entries. Click on them to learn more! If you would also like to browse through older entries, then have a look at our overview on the right.

Overview for tag 'hundemarke'
Dogtap - dog tag with GPS?
Dog tags with GPS are no longer a novelty: Via an integrated GPS transmitter, the dog can be located within a defined area and always kept in sight. In this blog entry we would like to go into more detail about what GPS dog tags are all about and answer the frequently asked question: Is Dogtap a GPS dog tag?
NFC in a digital dog tag
Digital dog tags already exist here and there - often they are conventional dog tags with a QR code printed on them. In this blog entry, you can find out why Dogtap is a very special digital dog tag and why the so-called NFC technology makes sense apart from the QR code.
Scanning the dog's chip with the smartphone - possible or not?
In this blog post we would like to pursue a very specific question - is it possible to read the chip on the dog with the smartphone?
Dogtap – The dog tag for sick dogs
Even our fur noses can get sick. Often this means additional worries for you as owner. Why Dogtap offers you support with your sick dog, you will find out in this article.
DogTap vs. other dog brands
In this blog entry we would like to show you the differences between Dogtap and other dog brands.
Danke für Euren Besuch!
Wir haben uns sehr gefreut, dass ihr uns auf der Hund & Pferd Messe vom 11. - 13. Oktober so zahlreich besucht habt!