Dogtap Blog
Welcome to our blog!
On our blog you will find interesting information about dogs. Besides information about our intelligent dog tag, we also deal with topics such as nutrition, health etc. here. Everything about our beloved companions.
With our blog entries we would like to keep you up to date and expand your knowledge about dogs. Check back regurlaly so you won't miss any interesting information!
Below you will find an overview of the latest blog entries. Click on them to learn more! If you would also like to browse through older entries, then have a look at our overview on the right.

Overview for tag 'dogtap'
The technology behind our Dogtaps
In this blog entry we would like to offer the technology enthusiasts among you a detailed insight into the technology of our digital dog tag Dogtap.
Scan your Dogtap right - Android vs. iOS
Using Dogtap is quite simple, but you probably will ask yourself, what to do after saving all of your data on the Dogtap.
Should you chip your dog or use a Dogtap?
Surely you have already taken some safety precautions to protect your dog. One of the most popular methods is chipping your dog with a Transponder. If you think that the Dogtap is not absolutely necessary, if you have already chipped your dog, then look here and let us convince you of the opposite.
Our web portal Tap21 in a new design!
Tap21 also comes in a new design. Look here to learn more.
From old to new - our new Dogtap Website!
Not only our website comes in a new design - we also have developed our Dogtap further. If you want to know what's new, click here to learn more.